Take a Healthy Step into the Real World
Remember the instant weight gain upon entering college, also known as the “freshman 15?” Well unless you decide right now to make fitness a way of life, you will re-live it as you step out into the real world. I learned this the hard way. I was an athlete all my life, but once I started climbing the corporate ladder working out and eating right took a back seat to my career. Four years and nearly 40 lbs. heavier, I decided to take control over my life and get my body back into shape. Let’s go over some simple tips to help you stay in shape as you head out into the corporate world.
1st Stay Active
Remember, you aren’t walking back and forth to class and around campus; your lifestyle is about to change. Generally, once you leave college you will be living a more sedentary lifestyle, meaning you will be sitting behind a desk most of the day. This is why it is important to stay active, join the fitness center at your new job, find a community sports program, or enroll in a nearby Boot Camp. Generally, being involved in a group fitness program will help you to be consistent and committed to a program.
2nd Proper Nutrition
As you get older your metabolism slows down, which means your body is not able to process food as fast as it has in the past. Therefore, proper nutrition becomes very important. Try not to fall into the following trend: stopping for fast food on your way to work, followed st nd by lunch out with your co-workers, ended with happy hour after work. Believe me, this is a recipe for disaster. We are all human and eating out is fine as long as you do it in moderation. For instance, try to limit your eating out to once or twice a week, that way when you eat out you can enjoy yourself.
Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint. In order to become physically fit you must make gradual lifestyle changes. It will not happen overnight. As long as you remain consistent, overtime you will be happy with long lasting results.