EBI/WBL Support - NCCA

Newton County Schools | Covington, GA, United States

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Posted Date 3/10/2025

Job Details

Job ID:5029212
Application Deadline:Apr 18, 2025 11:59 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

Starting Date:To Be Determined

Job Description

Job Title: Entrepreneurship Business Incubator/Work Based Learning Support
Pay Grade: 10
Supervisor: School Administration
Days/Months: 190/10
Department: Newton College & Career Academy
Classification: Non-Exempt


Entrepreneurship Business Incubator (EBI) Support

  1. Coordinate schedule for EBI associates to attend mentor presentations and sessions. Solicit local business representatives to mentor EBI associates.
  2. Coordinate schedules for times EBI associates can work on their companies in the Incubator.
  3. Solicit local business representatives to make presentations to EBI associates.
  4. Assist EBI associates with creating company logo, web page, business cards, etc.., and all other marketing aspects of running their business.
  5. Assist EBI associates in creating a marketing plan for marketing their products.
  6. Assist EBI associates with creating business portfolio.
  7. Assist EBI associates with a business plan for producing and selling their products.
  8. Assist EBI Coordinator with scheduling EBI events with associates to showcase their company.
  9. Assist EBI Coordinator with recruiting and interviewing new associates for the EBI program.
  10. ?Assist EBI Coordinator and EBI associates with tracking Incubator time sheets and work logs.

Work Based Learning (WBL) Support

  1. Assists in securing qualified guest speakers and resource people for the related instructional classes. Assists in planning career related field trips.
  2. Assists in maintaining an advisory committee for WBL or attends advisory committee meetings of the related CTAE instructional programs to insure that WBL is included in the business of each advisory committee.
  3. Develops and maintains an up-to-date occupational file of potential employers in the community based on periodic contacts with prospective employers.
  4. Builds a strong program of public relations and assists with sponsoring an employee-employer appreciation breakfast, luncheon, banquet, reception, or other suitable activities.
  5. Assist with associate aide placements as needed.
  6. Performs other duties and tasks as assigned by the Chief Executive Officer and/or the Career Development Director.
Position Type:Full-Time
Positions Available:1

Job Requirements

  • Citizenship, residency or work visa required

Contact Information


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