Girls Assistant Wrestling Coach for the 2025-26 School Year

Waynesville School District | Waynesville, MO, United States

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Posted Date 2/04/2025

REPORTS TO: HS Head Coach, Director of Dis trict MSHSAA Activities , and Building Adm inistrator

CLASSIFICATION: Certified or Clas s ified dependent upon qualifications of the pers on holding this position

FLSA STATUS: Exem pt or Non-Exem pt dependent upon qualifications of the pers on holding this pos ition

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Salary and work year as reviewed and es tablis hed annually by the Board of Education

EVALUATION: Perform ance of this pos ition will be evaluated regularly in accordance with the Board’s
policy on the evaluation of coaching s taff.


To carry out the Philos ophy of the Athletic Program and the Athletic Com m itment.

The i nformation contained i n this j ob descri ption i s for compliance wi th the Americans wi th Di sa bilities Act (A.D.A.) a nd i s not a n
exha usti ve l i st of the duties performed for this posi tion. Additional duties a re performed by the i ndividual holding this po si tion

a nd a dditional duties ma y be a ssi gned.


NOTE: Reasonab le accommodations will be made, if necessary, to enab le individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

1. Learns and adheres to the coaching philosophy and program of the high s chool head coach/vars ity coach..

2. As s is ts in explaining and dis tributing lite rature to all athletes concerning the Athletic Com m itment and
the protecting of s tudent eligibility.

3. Teaches athletes the fundam ental s kills, theory, and s trategy of the s port.

4. Teaches the athletes the value of good conduct, s ports m anship, and good citizen s hip.

5. Provides s upervis ion of athletes at all tim es and applies dis cipline in a firm productive m anner.

6. Teaches and em phasizes s afe procedures to the athletes .

7. As s is ts the high s chool head coach with out-of-s eas on training as needed.

8. Attends the athletic awards program.

9. Prom otes in-s eason and out-of-s eason fitnes s and conditioning.


1. As s is ts in the res pons ibility for care of equipm ent and facilities being used.

2. As s is ts in the is s uance, return, and m aintenance of equipment.

3. As s is ts in ens uring that all equipm ent is cleaned, repaired, and s tored properly at the end s of the s eas on.

4. Makes recom m endations to the high s chool head coach concerning needed equipment or repairs to facilities .


1. Enforces all building and dis trict regulations and policies.

2. Has knowledge and keeps current on rules and regulations regarding your s port and in accordance with MSHSAA.

3. Keeps abreas t of new knowledge and innovative ideas and techniques by attending clinics , works hops, or other
m ethods.

4. As s is ts high s chool head coach in regis tering and m aintaining records on all athletes .

5. As s ures pos session of a copy of each s tudent’s current phys ical before allowing the s tudent to participate.

6. As s is ts the high s chool head coach in as s uring that a copy of the s tudent’s com mitm ent form is on file in the
athletic office before allowing the s tudent to com pete.

7. As s is ts in providing inform ation on gam e tim es, bus s chedules, and practice tim es to parents and athletes .

8. Conducts s elf as a pers onal exam ple of pos itive dem eanor for the athletes and repres ents the s chool in a

favorable m anner.

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9. Works cooperatively with the high s chool head coach on all endeavors related to as s igned s port.

10. Perform s s couting duties for the vars ity team per the high s chool head coach’s request.

QUALIFICATION REQUIREM ENTS: The individual must be able to perform each essential job duty and
responsibility satisfactorily. The following requirements are representative of the knowledge, skills, and/or
abilities needed to perform the job at a fully acceptable level.


As s is ts the high s chool head coach in the s upervis ion of volunteers and s tudents involved in as s igned s port .


1. High s chool diploma or equivalent.

2. Valid Mis s ouri Teaching Certificate (preferred) or Mis s ouri Subs titute Teaching Certificate .

3. Current dis trict s taff m em ber (preferred).

4. Previous experience in s port as participant and/or coach (preferred).

5. Maintains certification in CPR and Firs t Aid.

6. Such other qualifications as s et by the MSHSAA.

7. Any equivalent com bination of experience and training that provides the required knowledge, s kills, and abilities to

perform the es s ential functions of the pos ition.

8. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board m ay deem appropriate or acceptable.


1. Strong com m unication, public relation, and interpers onal s kills.

2. Ability to write reports and corres pondence consistent with the duties of this pos ition.

3. Ability to com m unicate clearly and concis ely both in oral and written form us ing a variety of com m unication
techniques and tools to ens ure the appropriate flow of inform ation, collaborative efforts , and feedback.

4. Ability to read, analyze, and interpret inform ation.

5. Ability to effectively pres ent inform ation and res pond to ques tions, inquiries, and/or com plaints.

6. Dis plays courtes y, tact, and res pect when dealing with others .


1. Ability to perform bas ic m ath us ing whole numbers, com m on fractions , and decim als cons istent with the duties of
this pos ition.


1. Ability to interpret a variety of inform ation furnis hed in written, oral, diagram , or s chedule form .

2. Ability to identify and define problem s , collect and analyze data, es tablis h facts , and draw valid conclus i ons.


1. Maintains appropriate confidentiality.

2. Prom otes a haras s ment-free environm ent.

3. Es tablis hes and m aintains effective working relations hips; dem onstrates a com mitment to team work.

4. Ability to learn and utilize office equipm ent, com puters, and s oftware es pecially as s ys tem s are upgraded.

5. Ability to learn and upgrade job s kills in order to m eet changing dem ands of the pos ition.

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6. Mus t be able to navigate the MSHSAA webs ite for tes ts , s chedules, and official ratings .

7. Ability to react well under pres s ure, handle and balance m ultiple demands at one tim e, work with frequent
interruptions , and perform duties and tas ks at expected levels of profes s ionalism.

8. Extens ive knowledge of and ability to perform duties in full com pliance with all di s trict, Board of Education, s tate
and federal laws , m ethods , requirements, policies, procedures, and activities pertinent to the duties of this pos ition.

9. Ability to work independently with m inim um s upervis ion.

10. Ability to us e independent judgm ent and dem onstrates initiative to act without being as ked.

PHYSICAL DEM ANDS: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an
employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made

to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

While perform ing the duties of this job, the em ployee is regularly required to s tand, walk, s it, and talk or hear. The

em ployee is frequently required to reach with hands a nd arm s , and s toop, kneel, crouch, or crawl. The em ployee m us t
occas ionally lift and/or m ove up to 25 pounds . Specific vis ion abilities required by this job include clos e vis ion, dis tance

vis ion, and the ability to adjus t focus .

WORK ENV IRONM ENT: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an

employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be
made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essentia l functions.

Em ployee experiences cons tant interruptions and inflexible deadlines. The nois e level in this environm ent is quiet to loud.
The work environm ent m ay vary from extrem ely cold to extrem ely hot depending on the activity and the s eas on of the year.

In-dis trict and out-of-town travel required as neces s ary for training and/or to carry out duties and res ponsibilities.

perform ance and behavior/conduct expectations contained herein.

Em ployee’s Signature Date Supervisor’s Signature Date
Athletics & Activities

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